“Biden’s Silent Campaign Gears Up Against Trump”

“Biden’s Silent Campaign Gears Up Against Trump”


“Biden’s 2024 Campaign Kicked Off Privately in Chicago’s Stunning Pavilion”

In Chicago’s Millennium Park, a group of more than 100 wealthy Democrats gathered for a private event hosted by Joe Biden’s campaign. They enjoyed dinner under the evening sky while prominent party leaders voiced their support for the president’s re-election bid. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, California Governor Gavin Newsom, party chairman Jaime Harrison, Senators Richard J. Durbin and Amy Klobuchar, all shared their enthusiasm for Joe Biden’s accomplishments.

Senator Christopher A. Coons delivered a particularly memorable speech, according to attendees, where he humorously addressed a recent Washington Post column suggesting Biden’s retirement due to his age.


“David Ignatius revealed a deep secret to me in that column, one I didn’t previously know. Our president is 80. I was unaware! Struck dumb by the experience! I’ve careened around the halls of the Senate today, saying, ‘My God, my God, did you know? Nancy Pelosi is 83?’” Coons joked, referring to the California congresswoman and former House speaker. “Sharp as a tack.”

By the end, he was drawing on old-time Democratic religion, provoking the buttoned-up crowd to their feet. “I don’t just like Joe Biden. I didn’t just succeed Joe Biden.” he said. “I love Joe Biden. I genuinely, deeply, love this man. And I want to know if you do too! Do you love Joe Biden? Will you elect Joe Biden?”

Behind-the-Scenes: Biden’s Quiet Campaign Strategy”

So far, Biden’s campaign has been low-key, intentionally staying out of the public eye. You might have noticed their TV ads in swing states and on cable news, but there haven’t been any big rallies or many public events. They’re not opening their swing state offices or recruiting volunteers just yet. Even when Vice President Harris talks to college students about voting, she’s doing it as part of her official duties.

But here’s the interesting part: in private gatherings at homes in suburban Washington or even a Broadway theater, Biden and his team are starting to explain why he should be reelected and addressing the questions about his age that have come up in the early part of the campaign. His campaign staff has set up shop in an office building in Delaware and come up with plans for things like polling, online outreach, data, and the electoral college map. They recently talked about these plans with donors during a two-day meeting in Chicago.

“Positive Meeting Amid Challenges for Biden Campaign” 

Around ten people who were either there or knew about the event said it was a cheerful gathering, even though recent polls weren’t looking great for Biden, and there were more investigations into him in the House, plus his son’s legal troubles with gun charges.

The campaign staff did a great job with their presentations, and Vice President Harris, who spoke at the beginning of the event, made a big impression. She talked about abortion rights and seemed more personable as she mingled with people during the first night’s dinner.

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“Harris’s Warm Reception and Biden Campaign Plans”

One donor shared, “Harris greeted me like we were old pals,” recalling the surprising friendliness of the Vice President. Keep in mind, these donors spoke anonymously about the private event.

During the event, Campaign Manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez and Deputy Quentin Fulks discussed the electoral map. They pointed out that just winning Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania again would be enough for a Biden victory. But they also emphasized that they have multiple strategies in mind, focusing on seven key states including Nevada, Arizona, North Carolina, and Georgia. People in the audience were nodding in agreement until they saw Florida on one of the slides.

“When Florida came up, people in the audience couldn’t help but roll their eyes,” one person said.

Officially, the campaign hasn’t decided on their Republican opponent, but it’s clear to many attendees that they’re preparing to go up against Donald Trump, who is currently the dominant figure in the GOP primary race. Top Democrats view Trump as a significant source of fundraising and voter turnout, especially in the context of the recent Supreme Court decision on abortion rights that has stirred up strong emotions.

A Tight Race Ahead for Biden’s Reelection”

One participant compared the upcoming election to a classic two-party contest, saying there’s no room for alternative candidates, like how Jerry Brown challenged President Jimmy Carter in 1980. It’s shaping up to be a straight battle.

Biden himself has been emphasizing this message. During a fundraiser at the Lunt-Fontanne Theatre in New York, he talked about how he was motivated to run because, despite the progress made, our democracy is still at risk. He mentioned his disgust at Trump’s response to the white nationalist march in Charlottesville in 2017.

Biden also lightened the mood by joking about his long career in politics, saying, “I’ve never been more optimistic about our country’s future in the 800 years I’ve served.” This got some laughter from the audience.

At a gathering for donors in Chicago, Mindy Myers, who is now in charge of polling for the campaign, advised everyone not to pay too much attention to the early national polls. These polls have been showing that Biden and his competitors are very close in popularity, and sometimes Biden is behind. When asked about the impact of potential third-party candidates like Cornel West from the Green Party or a group called No Labels, Myers said it’s too early to tell.

During the event, Becca Siegel, who is a senior adviser, and Meg Schwenzfeier, the chief analytics officer, talked about how the current $25 million advertising campaign running until mid-December is also like a practice run. They’re testing out different messages and strategies to see what works best in convincing people to support Biden.

At a big event to gather support from donors, some of the campaign team shared their plans. Two of them, Rob Flaherty and Michael Tyler, who are close friends, even mentioned that they can sing a karaoke version of the song “Roses” by OutKast.

They talked about how the campaign has been working with the Democratic National Committee for the past two years to adapt to the way people use social media and how they can use popular people online (called influencers) to connect with voters. They also explained how they plan to deal with fake videos and other false information during the final months of the campaign.

These kinds of events are a tradition for presidential campaigns, and many of the people there have been through many elections. Donors were given papers that explained how they can join the National Finance Committee this year. To be a part of it, they need to donate at least $46,000. This gives them the chance to attend events with Biden and Harris, get updates from campaign staff, and attend meetings over Zoom.

But if someone can give more money, they get even more benefits. The highest level, called the “Biden-Harris Presidential Partner,” requires either $1.85 million in donations or $2.5 million in fundraising. These donors get tickets to special events with Biden and Harris, as well as other perks like VIP hotel rooms, top-level convention access, and more.

Some of the people at the event had been to a similar gathering in April, right after Biden started his campaign. Back then, the campaign didn’t have much to offer in terms of strategy or staff. This time, the presentations were much better, and the event was organized by Rufus Gifford, who used to work in the State Department and has experience in fundraising for campaigns. He said it’s a mistake to assume that someone with many criminal charges against them could never become president again.


Rufus Gifford, who’s in charge of fundraising for Biden’s campaign, spoke to the crowd and said that this campaign would be tough and costly. He stressed the need to build the largest and most effective political operation ever seen and to do it quickly. He told everyone that if they could do that, they would win.

Although some people whispered about Biden’s weaknesses, like his age, they didn’t talk much about it in public. There was a column in The Washington Post by David Ignatius suggesting Biden should step aside because of his age, but it wasn’t the main topic of discussion.

Most top Democrats agree on the way forward, even though many Americans and even Democratic voters have doubts about Biden. A CNN poll in late August showed that only 28 percent of Americans felt confident in Biden, and 67 percent of Democratic voters wanted a different nominee. However, with the first deadlines for candidates approaching in mid-October, there isn’t any strong rival candidate to challenge Biden.

One prominent Democrat has been spending a lot of time reassuring donors, saying that even though Biden is older, he has a good team around him, and they should move past their concerns. The campaign leaders believe that as they reach out to voters and the idea of another Democratic nominee becomes less likely, these concerns will fade away.

Biden has been making jokes about his age and increasing his criticism of Trump. He’s been talking about how shocked he was that Trump did nothing to stop the Capitol attack on January 6, 2021, even though he had the power to do so.

At a fundraiser in Virginia, former Governor Terry McAuliffe, who’s experienced in fundraising for Democratic presidential campaigns, appeared with Biden. He emphasized that the Democratic ticket is set with Biden and Kamala Harris, and Democrats should focus on their successes and not second-guess their choice. They should talk about the things they’ve done well and move forward confidently.


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