Kevin Systrom (born December 30, 1983) is an American computer programmer and entrepreneur. He co-founded Instagram, the world’s largest photo sharing website,

along with Mike Krieger



Growth & Success

Kevin Systrom launched photo-sharing mobile phone app Instagram in 2010.
Facebook bought Instagram for $1 billion in stock and cash in 2012, and Systrom stayed on to continue running it. He left Facebook in September 2018.
Systrom owned 40% of Instagram going into the deal, and got mostly Facebook stock.
Under Systrom as CEO, Instagram became a fast growing app, with roughly 1 billion monthly users. It’s continued to grow since he left.
Instagram reportedly brought in $20 billion in revenues in 2019. Make it human freindly and sco friendly with simple language

Kevin Systrom created Instagram, a popular photo-sharing app, back in 2010. Facebook liked it so much that they bought it for a whopping $1 billion in 2012. Kevin stuck around to manage it until 2018 when he decided to move on.

Before the deal, Kevin owned about 40% of Instagram and got mostly Facebook stock in return. When he was in charge, Instagram grew like crazy, with around 1 billion people using it every month. And even after he left, it kept on growing.

People really loved Instagram, and in 2019, it made an incredible $20 billion from all sorts of things. It’s been quite a journey!



  • Personal Stats
  • Age. 39
  • Source of Wealth Instagram, Self Made
  • Residence. San Francisco, California
  • Citizenship. United States
  • Marital Status. Married
  • Children. 1.
  • Education. Bachelor of Arts/Science,




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History of Instagram

Sure, I’d be happy to help! In 2009, a young guy named Kevin Systrom, who had previously worked at Google and interned at a company that later became Twitter,

was working at a travel startup called Nextstop. He came up with the idea for Instagram. It’s a popular social media app that lets people share photos and videos.

Kevin and his co-founder Mike Krieger launched it in 2010, and it quickly became a hit, especially among smartphone users. People loved how easy it was to take

pictures, apply filters, and share their moments with friends. Over the years, Instagram added new features like stories and IGTV, making it one of the most widely

used social platforms today.
While Systrom had no formal training in computer science, he learned to code on nights and weekends while working at Nextstop. He eventually built a prototype

of a web app called Burbn, which was inspired by his taste for fine whiskeys and bourbons. The Burbn app allowed users to check in, post their plans, and share photos.

Although at the time, location-based check-in apps were very popular, the photo-sharing feature of Burbn was very unique





Venture Capital Funding

In March 2010, Kevin Systrom, the guy behind Instagram, went to a party for a startup called Hunch. At the party, he met two people who give money to new ideas,

called venture capitalists. They liked his app idea and wanted to know more. They talked over coffee and after that, Systrom decided to leave his job and work on his app called Burbn

. In just two weeks, he got $500,000 from the venture capitalists to help him make his app even better. This was a big moment that helped Instagram become what it is today.
This seed funding allowed Systrom to start building a team of people to support his venture; the first to join him was 25-year-old Mike Krieger. Also a Stanford graduate

Krieger had previously worked as an engineer and user-experience designer at the social media platform Meebo.

The two knew each other from their time as students at Stanford

Facebook Acquires Instagram




By March 2012, around 27 million people were using Instagram. Then, in April 2012, they made the app available for Android phones.

Guess what? In just one day, it was downloaded more than one million times!

During that time, Instagram was going to get more money from investors, and people thought the company was worth about $500 million.

Kevin Systrom (the Instagram creator) and Mark Zuckerberg (who made Facebook) knew each other from events at Stanford, and they talked when Instagram

was getting super popular.

In April 2012, Mark Zuckerberg offered to buy Instagram for $1 billion. But he promised that Instagram could still be its own thing. Before Facebook went public,

they bought Instagram for $1 billion.

In November 2012, Instagram made a simpler version on the web. Then, in June 2014, they made an app for Amazon Fire devices. And finally,

in 2016, they made an app for Windows tablets and computers. This helped Instagram work on more types of devices.


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